eXperiential Robotics Platform (XRP)

The Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) is a hands-on, comprehensive robotics platform and includes everything needed to build and program a robot to perform beginning through advanced tasks – building the foundation for innovative thinking, science, engineering, and problem solving. (sparkfun.com)

The following video shows an XRP dressed up as a Pikachu, using his arm to pick up a bucket with two people in it and carry them for a few inches and then drop the bucket and move a way and then turn around (180 degrees). 

The following video shows an XRP in action, crossing a bridge while carrying a couple of people. The XRP shows some of its moves on the bridge and then turning around at the end of the bridge to go back to the starting point of the travel.

The following video shows the XRP drawing a square. It also shows the code that was written by Everett (a 3rd grader) to draw the square. 


The following video shows the XRP in action, drawing an octagon. It also shows the code that was written by Everett (a 3rd grader) to draw the octagon. 

The XRP content is under development.

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